Pie Chart of Nutritional Analysis of the TARAHUMARA ultra-distance runners.
75% carbs, 12% protein, 13% fat. 96% Vegetarian diet.
Source: "Food and Nutrient Intakes of the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico" Maria T. Cerqueira, M.S. R.D. Martha McMurry Fry, M.S. R.D. and William E. Connor, M.D. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32, April pp. 905-915, 79 .
Pie Chart: Scientific Study shows Carbohydrate Protein and Fat breakdown of the elite TARAHUMARA indian Marathon runners of Copper Canyon, Mexico.
Tarahumara distance runners use a 96% Vegetarian diet based on large volumes of Grains. These amazing native endurance runners are found eating over 75 percent carbs, 12 percent protein, 13 percent fat, mainly plant-based, and the individuals are healthy, thin, muscular, and lean, do not use supplements, have no known nutritional deficiencies, and are running distances of 200 miles up to an astounding 435 miles. These athletes are naturally utilizing a high-carbohydrate diet full of large volumes of grain.
This is designated as a High-carb Low-Fat (HCLF) diet. It is a native tribal grain-rich diet, similar to 80-10-10. It is diametrically opposite to the Paleo, Atkins, and Lowcarb diets (Anti-Paleo). The Tarahumara, Kenyans, and Ethiopian endurance champions eat grain, do not eat Paleo and are not Paleo. The Tarahumara follow a nearly entirely plant-based diet (95% Vegetarian, grain-based). This is the diet of the ultra-endurance super-athletes. The results are published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
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