Pie Chart of Nutritional Analysis of Top Kenyan Elite Runners.
86% carbs, 10% protein, 6% fat.
Source: British Journal of Nutrition (2002), 88, 711–717 DOI: 10.1079/BJN2002728 - "Food and Macronutrient Intake of Male adolescent Kalenjin Runners in Kenya" - Center for African Studies, Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre, Dept of Medical Sciences, Nutrition Unit, Uppsala Sweden
Pie Chart: Scientific Study reveals Carbohydrates Protein Fat Analysis of Kenyas Elite Marathon runners diet.
Gram-basis peer-reviewed nutritional analysis shows Kenyan athletes are ingesting an 86-10-6 99% Vegetarian anti-Paleo diet based on Grain. The top endurance athletes un the world are eating a diet of a whopping 86 percent carbs, 10 percent protein, 6 percent fat, and are thin, muscular, and lean and with no supplements no known nutritional deficiencies. Most of the athletes ran only 6k in the morning, and 4k in the evening. Some training as little as 26 minutes per day of pace running, and still remained lean and fit and set distance records on a high-carbohydrate diet full of large volumes of cooked Grains.
A High-carb Low-Fat (HCLF) grain-rich diet, similar to 80-10-10, non-Atkins, non-lowcarb, nearly entirely plant-based diet is found producing the #1 endurance athletes in the world. The results are published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal The British Journal of Nutrition.
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